Vandana Shiva

Navdanya International

Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (India) and President of Navdanya International.

"Seed Freedom: Protecting the Diversity and Integrity of Living Resources"

  • How Vandana Shiva’s organization Navdanya began and why 
  • The biggest threats facing our global seed and food security.
  • What actions food growers and consumers can take to protect biodiversity.
  • How biodiversity impacts human health, malnutrition, hunger, and disease. 
  • Why indigenous people have a critical impact on the future of seeds.
  • What the future of agriculture needs to look like to regenerate the health of the soil, people, and planet.
  • The new documentary The Seeds of Vandana Shiva.