Bryan Kappa

Bryan Kappa

Founder of ChipDrop

Bryan Kappa is a Portland native who combined his love of trees and technology into ChipDrop, a web service that helps gardeners get free arborist wood chip deliveries from local tree service companies. While hauling brush for a local tree company he realized the potential cost savings of delivering the freshly chipped trees to neighbors and homeowners, as opposed to driving long distances to the green waste facilities (and paying their fees). He also knew that people loved free things. Sign up for FREE to get a ChipDrop!

"So, You Really DO Want a ChipDrop"

  • Learn how to sign up for free delivery of wood chips on the ChipDrop website.
  • Tips for getting a wood chip delivery faster.
  • How the new ChipDrop Network can connect you with your local community.
  • The incredible impact ChipDrop has made on the environment.
I have received 28 free deliveries of wood chips to my home property since signing up to ChipDrop!

It only took me one day to get a ChipDrop after registering. I never imagined it would work let alone so fast!

Thank you Bryan for creating such an easy and affordable way for gardeners to access free wood chips!